Are You Dating Again?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

“a young woman, loving her man”


The focus for this blog is a song I just heard on the radio. The song was sung by Doris Day and it was called, “I’ll never stop loving you.” Doris Day the darling of her era, energetic starry-eyed girl swooning over the man she loves.

Now don’t get that I listen to this “very old song station” and that I am an antique! Not the least! This station gives me pleasant background sounds to type by. Also, great ideas to blog, so this sound brought up images of a young woman, loving a man and devoting all her “Undying love and pledging her love forever to him”

Within the hour I hear Willy Nelson sing, “All the girls I’ve loved before”, it is beautifully written and sung. Melody is easy to hear. I stopped and listened to the words of male non-commitment and unabashed conquests. Perhaps the female listener might say, “Wish it could have been me to have such a celebrity fling with the artist!” Yet, most women would see this song writer as someone who brags of the large number of conquests. Over the 20 years, I could count on my two hands the number of women I’ve met who date, “like a single man” and seeking conquests to brag about to her friends.

Ok, before I get a law-suit thrown at me for being insensitive to the writer’s goals of creating a “fantasy most men only dream about”. Perhaps we all need a long history of love conquests. When I’m in my 80’s will I regret the two marriages I’ve had and the lack of a closet full of shoe boxes of love notes, gifts and pictures of conquests?

I’ve been talking 20 years assisting men and women about their love relationships issues. I am so convinced that women are “hard-wired” to nest and we are unconsciously always creating a safe haven for a child to be born. Ok own it girls, if we are hard wired and it is our nature, why are you surprised when a man comes into your life for a “fling”; you call me exclaiming, “Is he the man who will marry me?”

The fundamentals of what I’ve witness is: that of 100% of single dating men, 95% of these men are looking for a “fling”. To get a better perspective on this theory: The primitive early years of human kind, men where the ones who left the tribe to forge for food and then coming back to the tribe with his food prize to seek a mate to continue the building of the clan. Women who are single and dating, 95% of those women are looking to “marry” and create a permanent nest, hard wired to wait for the man to come back to the cave.

Clearly, we are out of whack here! So we women need to be better prepared to tackle that 5% with better understanding of “men kind”. Be ready to grown into the woman you’ve always wanted to be, emotional healthy with personal goals and excited with the prospect to meeting the best suited partner for you.

Question of “marriage” after meeting your perfect partner; ah yes, I will cover this also at a later time.

How many of you have had sessions with me and I’ve said, “Mothers raise their sons to be Kings and their daughters to be Queens to those Kings!” Also with that statement, many women up to this generation that my daughter is part of still feel the need to feel whole only if a ‘man’ is wanting her. Is this the generation of our daughters, when they will wear the kings “crown”?

Many more couples are choosing not to marry. Just to commit because they saw their parents and grandparents, stay together within a loveless papered union. Oh yes, this will take a future article also!

Have I painted a grim picture of dating relationships, is there no hope for true dating relationship to marriage when apparently there is only 5% of single dating men looking for marriage?

Now this is when it becomes exciting. Perhaps we need to revamp and look at ourselves and say, “I am a great catch! Is he good enough for me?” Future blogs will cover the best I can offer to “catch” your mate and make him wanting to take you to the marriage bed!

More to come!  Nancy

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