Are You Dating Again?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are you an Emotional Hoarder?


You really loved that man! How dare he not call you, not remember your birthday, leave you for someone else. Your best friend talks to you about everything in the universe and about her love life, yet does not have time to listen to your problems? Mother or Father issues of neglect, older brother sister treated you with disrespect.

Are you still holding on to some of these issues? Do you carry a grudge against your partner, and in your relationship? Does emotional hoarding affect the love between you and your boyfriend? Are you not able to “let go”.

The big question is: We all have “crap” happen, the truth of the problem is: how long do you hold onto the emotion of the incident?  At least 10 years back I had a friend of my mother’s come to me for a “session” to help clear up some emotional issues. Her first statement was, “I am so mad at my man!”

After getting his first name, I asked how long since he had called or talked to her in person, so I could get to the root of his neglect towards her. Well, well, well I almost fell over! She had not heard from him for 17 years!!!!

Clearly she was with this ended relationship an “emotional hoarder”.

What is the value in your life of any emotional hoarding? Please don’t be a victim of life, do not give your power (your life) to an incident or a relationship long ended.

Do you still feel a victim, determine what you need so you can let go or move on.  If you are emotionally clouded in your mind, think through what and how to constantly re-direct your energy. Get out of the relationship that does not work, instead of being a victim and an emotional hoarder.

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